Confidence Games

Con artists” are smooth-talking criminals who aim to separate you from your money through trickery and deceit. They can be men or women working alone or in pairs or groups. They may stop you on the street or call on the phone or ring your doorbell. They may pretend to be repairmen, or building inspectors or assume any other identity. There are many different kinds of confidence games. To avoid becoming a victim:

  • Beware of friendly strangers offering goods and services at low prices.
  • Beware of friendly strangers who tell you they found money and want to share it with you.
  • Be suspicious of telephone calls from persons claiming to be bank officials who ask you to withdraw money from your account for any reason. Banks communicate in writing on business transactions
  • Be alert to any scheme that involves removing your savings or other valuables from safekeeping and turning them over to anyone.
  • Be suspicious of fortune tellers, “readers”, “advisors”, etc. If you are asked to turn over money or valuables, notify the police.
  • Don’t hesitate to notify police of any suspicious circumstances.